Friday, December 2, 2011

Driver's journey and fate on the road

I will not talk about technical terms, road signs and other road rules. This article was written out of my curiosity, observation and based on my opinions. Kindly correct my terminologies regarding parts of a truck.

Every time I go to work, I always see different kind of trucks or lorry delivering different kind of goods, materials or stuffs such as: liquors, soft drinks, logs, dry goods, perishable goods,  hundred sacks of  rice, corn or even livestock.

It was Sunday evening on my way home as I aboard a passenger bus, a truck fully-loaded with hundred cases of “Carlsberg” was ahead of us. While on the left lane, trucks loaded with Coca-Cola and San Miguel Pilsen over took with each other.

I was wondering are those truck drivers have to unload all the stuffs in different designation.  Maybe on their way in different warehouses.

Being a driver is not easy especially when you have to work away from your loved-ones. I want to share an incident happened way back years. I actually witnessed with my two eyes where the accident occurred.

It was late at night  my two colleagues accompanied me on my way home. My boarding house was just a distance away from the company I was working with. As we go on talking and laughing, we heard   “running wheels and honk”.  As we turned our backs, we saw a ten-wheeler truck half-loaded with  cavan of rice.
The driver drove as if he was “A King of the Road”.  Upon seeing the condition of the truck and the speed, I felt negative vibes on it.

Few meters away there is a sharp curve.  I ignored the feeling and never shared it to my friends. The truck was already ahead of us. As he was driving to the curve lane, we saw the body of the truck slightly tilted in different direction. The trailer in slow motion turned to the right side against the head. The driver wasn’t able to control the speed and weight of the truck. We witnessed how the ten-wheeler truck and the half-loaded stuff tumbled down.

Luckily we were few meters away from the incident.  With the loud screeching of wheels and a loud “Bang”, some residents approached where the accident occurred. Fortunately the driver is alive together with one companion. They were slightly bruised. According to them, they were on their way home going back to the province.

We really don’t know when and where ill-fated journey will happen. No matter how competent and adept drivers we are, if it is really accident, it is bound to happen

1 comment:

  1. Yes truly how driving can be a dangerous thing. I am driving everyday to work and I have a passenger; my husband. Even though I am being careful, i'm glad my husband are there to yell at me whenever I make a wrong decision on either to cross the other lane or speed up. No matter how careful you are as a driver, accident can happen any time. So driver please be careful; watch your side mirror, behind and ahead of you. Be safe!
